VCD – Error when connecting Media to a VM (2)
Working in a large environment that has been operating for years utilising Cloud Director, I have seen a large number of error messages. Today I got a new variation when a tenant was failing to connect an ISO to their deployed VM. This particular VM had been running for a long time.
No device was found. You need at least one ISO device to complete this operation.
The tenant showed me that another VM in the same OrgVDC was able to connect to the very same ISO. Clearly this was not the usual error that I would expect when they are having trouble with ISOs.
As the error message said, it appeared that the VM had never had an CD/DVD drive as part of its virtual hardware. This was a simple case of shuting the VM down, adding a new CD/DVD and rebooting.
The OS picked this new device up with no need for installing drivers.
Thereafter, back in VCD the tenant could attach the ISO as they desired with no issue.