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Add an NFS share to vCloud Director

vCould Director cells require an NFS share which is referred to as the transfer server storage. It is used for certain configuration information as well as the uploading of files to the vCD instance.

I have already created an NFS server using Windows for this purpose. The folder I have shared is called vcd

SSH to the cell(s) and change location to the mount point for the vCD transfer service. Usually this is the location below:

# cd /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/data/transfer

To mount the nfs server manually type the following replacing servername with your details. The -t is the type of file system nfs

# mount -t nfs servername:/vcd

However the above will not persist through reboots so it is required to edit the fstab file on the cell using a text editor

# vi /etc/fstab

Press i on the keyboard to change to insert mode and add the following line to /etc/fstab:

servername:/vcd   /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/data/transfer       nfs     rw      0 0

On the keyboard type :wq! to save and quit the editor. Before restarting the services you need to take ownership of the share for the vcloud user.

# chown -R vcloud:vcloud /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/data/transfer/*

# service vmware-vcd restart

The official documentation regarding NFS with vCD 9.5 can be found here.

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